
Friday, January 27, 2017

Trump Spokesman: White House Staff Will Attend the March for Life

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

During the March for Life in previous years, pro-abortion President Barack Obama celebrated abortion and issued a presidential statement praising Roe vs. Wade.

What a difference a change in president makes.

Yesterday, a spokesman for President Donald Trump indicated White House staff will attend the March for Life, where over half-a-million pro-life people from around the country will mourn the almost 60 million unborn children who have been aborted since that fateful Supreme Court decision.

Trump spokesman Sean Spicer indicated top advisor Kellyanne Conway will attend the March as well other White House staff. Spicer told reporters at Tuesday’s briefing that there will be a “heavy administration presence” at the March for Life, which will be on Friday.

“I know Kellyanne [Conway] is going to attend the event,” Spicer said in response to a question from a reporter about the pro-life protest. “I think we’re stilling working through the details, but we’ll have further information about the President’s potential participation in that.”


“I think it’s no secret the President has campaigned as a pro-life president it’s something that’s very important to him, as evidenced from that Mexico City Policy reinstatement that he issued yesterday,” he added. “We’ll obviously have heavy administration presence there.”

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