
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

URGENT: #ProtestPP webinar Jan 18 on DEFUNDING PP

Eric J. Scheidler, Executive Director
Pro-Life Action League

Please join a webinar this coming Wednesday for #ProtestPP and 40 Days for Life leaders on the fight to defund Planned Parenthood. The defunding battle has turned red hot.

We all thought the effort to defund Planned Parenthood would have to wait until the 2018 budget negotiations this fall, but Speaker Paul Ryan is calling for Planned Parenthood to be defunded right now.

#ProtestPP has a critical role to play in the fight to defund Planned Parenthood! Pro-life insiders on Capitol Hill are begging #ProtestPP and 40 Days for Life to get the pro-life grassroots involved in this defunding effort in a big way.

That means you.

And that's why I'm asking you to join me and Shawn Carney of 40 Days for Life for a special Defunding Planned Parenthood Webinar next Wednesday.

Defunding Planned Parenthood Emergency Webcast
DATE: Wednesday, January 18
TIME: 1 p.m. ET / 12 p.m. CT / 11 a.m. MT / 10 a.m. PT

During the half-hour webinar, Shawn and I will explain what's going on behind the scenes to immediately defund Planned Parenthood and we'll tell you all about the nationwide #ProtestPP action we're planning for February 11th.

We'll also be joined on the call by:

  • Monica Miller from Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and #ProtestPP
  • Marilyn Musgrave from Susan B. Anthony List
  • Mark Harrington from Created Equal and #ProtestPP

Things are moving too fast for me to give you all the details on the big event right now. But please mark your calendar for February 11 and plan to join Wednesday's webinar to get all the details -- and find out how you and the pro-life community fit into this historic effort.

Just think, by spring, Planned Parenthood could be stripped of nearly half their $1 billion budget. Within months, they could be shutting down centers throughout the country!

But to make that happen, we need all hands on deck. So please make every effort to join Wednesday's webinar, and plan to be a part of the big event coming February 11.

On behalf of my #ProtestPP co-directors Monica Miller and Mark Harrington, I want to thank you in advance for doing your part to defund Planned Parenthood.

1 comment:

  1. With Trump in the White House starting tomorrow, the only thing that would stop the defunding of Planned Parenthood is if the Senate Democrats decide to mount a filibuster. Hopefully they don't.
