
Thursday, February 23, 2017

Action Alert! Contact Congress and Urge Them to End Taxpayer Funding of PP

from Lila Rose
Live Action

Every day Congress fails to pass legislation defunding Planned Parenthood, the abortion giant receives over $1.5 million from taxpayers and kills another 887 preborn children.

We need to take action now. In just a few clicks, you can email your representative and senators right now and urge them to end the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. My team has put together a pre-written email for your convenience, but you can write your own message, too here.

Even our staunchest pro-life members of Congress need to hear from you, if just to know they have your support (when I talk to them, they always tell me how important it is to hear from you). Congress can vote for a budget reconciliation bill that includes a measure to defund Planned Parenthood - we need to urge our representatives to take action!

We’ve come too far and fought too hard for the innocent preborn to let this opportunity slip through our fingers. Please contact your members of Congress today.  Use this link to find contact information for your members of Congress.

Live Action is a non-profit human rights organization, dedicated to ending abortion and protecting the right to life.

We expose the truth about abortion and counter the misinformation campaign of the multi-billion dollar abortion industry and lobby. Today, we host the largest online presence for the pro-life movement, with millions of supporters and volunteers throughout the United States, but it all began in a living room.  Read their story here.

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