
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Alabama Health Department Chides Planned Parenthood: If Your Hands are Covered With Blood, Wash Them

By Claire Chretien
Life Site News

A 2016 Alabama health department report shows Planned Parenthood in Birmingham failed to properly sterilize medical equipment and provide discharged patients with a list of medications they were on or the name of a doctor to contact in case of emergency.

The 17-page deficiency report shows the city's only abortion facility failed to record whether it had aborted viable babies and failed to document whether patients were able to view an ultrasound.

"The clinic failed to have documentation of Tuberculosis (TB) screening" and Hepatitis B screening of its employees, the report says, which "had the potential to affect all patients served in this clinic."
Planned Parenthood failed to document an initial and annual review of its physicians' clinical skills and inadequately kept employee records, according to the health department. The Birmingham center also put incorrect information on patient forms, ranging from the date to "the size of the uterus in weeks."
"The clinic failed to assure all staff followed the policy for hand washing, cleaning equipment between patient use and cleaning recovery room chairs," the report indicates. It reminded Planned Parenthood, "When hands are visibly dirty or soiled with blood or other body fluids, wash hands with water and soap."
Birmingham-based Father Terry Gensemer of the Charismatic Episcopal Church told LifeSiteNews this report proves what pro-lifers have known all along about Planned Parenthood.
"They’re very careless, [yet] they talk about wanting to do safe, legal, rare abortions," said Gensemer. "This entire report, including the fact that the instruments are not sterilized, among other things, shows they’re not safe at all. In fact, these are very dangerous places."
"How in the world can the abortion industry tell us that they’re doing safe, legal abortions when we don’t even know what age of gestation that they’re doing abortions [on]?" asked Gensemer. "How do we know they’re not doing much more late-term abortions than they’re allowed to do by Alabama law?"
Live Site News report continues

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