
Saturday, February 25, 2017

Day Seven of our Prayer Campaign for LeRoy Carhart

Today in our Prayer Campaign, we pray that Mr. Carhart repents,  asks for God's forgiveness, and surrenders his life to Jesus. Additionally, we pray that his conversion will lead him to speak out on behalf of unborn babies and their mothers as so many other former abortionist have done.

Next week we will begin praying for the governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf. Governor Wolf, a former 'deathscort' for Planned Parenthood, is on record vowing that he will veto all pro-life legislation.

Currently, he is appearing at rallies across Pennsylvania, speaking against SB 3, the Dismemberment Abortion Ban, trying to keep this bill from being passed in the House.

Please join with us in prayer again next week for Governor Wolf as we pray for his total conversion.

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