
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Facebook COO and Disney Board of Director Sheryl Sandberg Donates $1,000,000 to Planned Parenthood

Sheryl  Sandberg, Chief Operating Office of Facebook, Inc. recently made the headlines for her $1,000,000 gift to Planned Parenthood.  Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, could not help but gush to the media about the generosity of her BFF.  Perhaps she is hoping to create a “can you top this” challenge among her well-heeled Planned Parenthood groupies.

Ms. Sandberg’s recent anti-Trump Facebook post offers insight into her reasoning to support Planned Parenthood:

 "I started my career working at the World Bank on health care in India. I saw firsthand how clinics funded by foreign aid are often the only source of health care for women. When women are given even the most basic health care information and services, they live longer, healthier lives — and they give birth to children who live longer, healthier lives... The best way to prevent abortion is through more family planning services, not fewer... Women’s rights are human rights — and there is no more basic right than health care. Women around the world deserve our support."

This statement oozes with irony.  I think we would all agree that women should receive basic health care information.  Unfortunately, it’s been shown that time and time again, many Planned Parenthood facilities do not offer basic information to their patients about all their options.  And Planned Parenthood’s #1 service seems to be referring women to other practitioners who actually perform mammograms and comprehensive health screenings.    Her statement that there is no more basic right than health care belies her Harvard education,  for if a human being is not given the opportunity to live, health care becomes a moot point.

 Sandberg’s corporate resume also includes an ongoing stint as a member of the Board of Directors of The Walt Disney Company, having joined the Disney board in 2010.  So there she is donating $1,000,000 to an operation that performed 323,999 abortions as reported in its 2014-2015 Annual Report.  Meanwhile, the Disney logo is practically tattooed on every child from the moment a positive pregnancy test is tweeted to family and friends.  Disney’s entire business model revolves around “family entertainment” which translates to see the movie, buy the doll, wear the shirt.  Disney supposedly takes its responsibility towards its sole customer group – children - seriously, as noted on its corporate website:

While governments have the primary responsibility for protecting and upholding the human rights of their citizens, Disney recognizes its responsibility to respect human rights in its operations. In addition, we recognize that we have an opportunity to promote human rights where we can make a positive contribution. This includes, among other things, opposing human trafficking and the exploitation of children.”

Perhaps the Disney organization needs to look no further than within its own boardroom to weed out the true exploitation of children.


  1. Dear FB and Disney!
    I vacation at Disney often.
    I FB daily.
    This person represents you.
    There are many other options for my entertainment.
    Planned Parenthood does not plan parenthood .
    They kill babies and have sold the parts for profit. This has been proven.
    They don't provide breast exams either.
    How is killing babies in there own mothers womb, women's health care?
    Let me be clear, are your organizations family oriented or not.
    The vast majority of people are not in favor ,in the least, in what this employee of yours is supporting.
    And we have options besides you.
    And we are watching what you do about this.
    You have a BIG P.R. problem.

  2. The Disney Stockholder meeting is March 8, 2017 at which time Ms. Sandberg along with other Board nominees will most likely be voted in. You can contact Disney to voice your concerns at email: I just did.
