
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Franklin Graham: “Raising Funds for Planned Parenthood is Like Raising Money to Fund a Nazi Death Camp”

“Every life is precious to God, and should be to us as well”

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Christian minister Franklin Graham is not happy that Barbara Bush, the daughter of pro-life former President George W Bush, is going to headline a fundraiser for the Planned Parenthood abortion business. Graham, the son of evangelist Billy Graham and founder of Samaritan’s Purse, has been a vocal advocate for babies in the womb throughout his ministry.

Barbara Pierce Bush recently made herself known as an advocate for the abortion giant Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion causes – in stark contrast to her father’s pro-life record.

Graham likens the Planned Parenthood fundraising event for the nation’s biggest abortion company the one funding a Nazi death camp.

In a Facebook post, Graham wrote: 

“Planned Parenthood is the #1 abortion provider in the United States. Raising funds for this organization is like raising money to fund a Nazi death camp—like Auschwitz, except for innocent babies in their mother’s wombs! Reports say they perform over 300,000 abortions per year. And this is the organization whose employees were caught on video trying to sell baby body parts over wine. Disgusting.”
Graham has frequently been critical of the Planned Parenthood abortion corporation.

Earlier this month, Graham condemned the deadly work of Planned Parenthood, describing its abortion practices as “Hitleristic.”  On Facebook on Friday, Graham addressed the current issue of defunding Planned Parenthood.

The new U.S. Congress is working on legislation to defund the abortion group, and President Donald Trump previously said he would support such a measure. The legislation would redirect tax dollars to federally-qualified community health clinics that offer more comprehensive care but don’t perform abortions.

“Planned Parenthood—the country’s largest abortion provider—received over $353 million in private donations according to a recent annual report. Why on earth would Congress give them another $550 million in government grants and reimbursements?” Graham wrote.
Planned Parenthood does approximately 320,000 abortions every year – totaling close to 1 million in the past three years, according to its own annual reports. Graham called these numbers a “tragedy.”
“Taxpayer dollars, withheld from American paychecks should never be used to fund a Hitleristic organization whose conduct many see as insidious, evil, unjust, and even criminal,” he continued. “How do they keep on slaughtering little ones, and yet portray themselves as health clinics? Death is their prescription.”
Graham urged lawmakers to unite in the effort to protect unborn babies from “this wholesale slaughter.” He also asked people to call their U.S. Senators and Representatives and urge them stop tax dollars from funding the abortion chain.
“Every life is precious to God, and should be to us as well,” Graham concluded.

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