
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Miracle Twins Save Each Other’s Life by Holding Hands While Still in the Womb

Doctors Feared “Selective Termination” Very Last Resort

Rowan (left) and Blake like holding hands (picture: Caters)

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life 

When Hayley Lampshire, 27, from Kidlington, Oxfordshire, England discovered her twins were suffering from an extremely rare condition, the odds were so daunting that (as she told Richard Hartley-Parkinson) “We were told that a selective termination would be a very last resort but we tried not to think about it.”

The discovery was made at the twelve week scan when Hayley and her husband, Charlie, first learned she was carrying twins. At the same scan, “We were told our pregnancy was going to be high risk and a week later we were sent to a specialist who confirmed I was carrying Monoamniotic-Monochorionic twins.”

Which meant Rowan and Blake were sharing one amniotic sac. The dangers were enormous.

Hartley-Parkinson explained
‘Because the boys were in the same amniotic sac their cords could get tangled if they moved around, which would cut off their oxygen and food supply.
‘If that did happen then it would be likely that we wouldn’t know, we couldn’t do anything to prevent it which was the scariest part.
‘They needed to keep still in order to keep one another alive… ‘

How could that possibly happen, given the cramped living quarters?

But she was amazed when she went for a scan – and saw her two boys cuddling each other – and even appeared to be holding hands.

At every scan, Hayley was amazed to see her twins holding on to each other.

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