
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Nancy Pelosi Tells Adopted Woman: Your Mom Should Have Had the “Choice” to Abort You

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has made some pretty outrageous statements about abortion in the past.

During a recent CNN Town Hall event, Pelosi stuck her foot in her mouth again when she told a young woman who was adopted that her mother should have had the “choice” to abort her.

“I am part of the pro-life generation,” college student Brianna Kristyn Roberts told Pelosi. “I believe that abortion is not the answer for unplanned pregnancy.
“My birth mother was faced with a decision that many women today are facing. Without the means of properly raising a child, she chose the most ethical decision and chose adoption. With her courageous and unselfish decision, I now have the ability to thrive and succeed in life.
“Don’t you think everyone needs the ability to thrive and succeed in life?”
PJ Media had this to say about Pelosi’s answer:

The congresswoman stumbled through a series of explanations, saying that this girl’s mother actually embodied the pro-choice paradigm: “We want other people to have, have that — have that opportunity. To choose as well.”

“You said my mother chose, my mother chose. And we want other people to have … that opportunity to choose as well,” Pelosi told the young woman.
Of course, Pelosi never explained what that “choice” could have meant for Roberts. If her mother had chosen a different path, one that Pelosi supports, the young woman could have experienced an early, brutal and possibly painful abortion death. That “choice” would have taken away Roberts’ chance to live and thrive.

Pelosi said she wants every child to have the ability to succeed, but to the pro-abortion Congresswoman, only born children count.


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