
Sunday, February 5, 2017

Planned Parenthood Purges Prenatal Care from Websites after Live Action Investigation

By Carole Novielli
Live Action News

Since the release of Live Action’s investigative video exposing the lack of care Planned Parenthood gives to pregnant women who want to keep their children, Planned Parenthood has been busy purging their websites of the term “prenatal.” 

Despite years of claiming that Planned Parenthood offers prenatal care to women, the backlash from Live Action’s investigation which exposed Planned Parenthood’s deception was so egregious that the abortion corporation had to backtrack — and fast.

Planned Parenthood masquerades as a primary health care organization, when they are actually an abortion corporation whose market share of reported abortions exceeds 34 percent of the national market share. Shockingly, at one time, Planned Parenthood suggested in their annual report for fiscal year 1996-1997 that prenatal care was the organization’s “fastest growing area.”

But Planned Parenthood’s short-lived initiative to “implement a comprehensive prenatal care model” appears to have failed. The truth is that abortion has always been Planned Parenthood’s focus, which might explain why this once “fastest growing service” dropped nearly 44 percent from 2010 to 2014.

Planned Parenthood and its spokespersons — both official and unofficial — often tout prenatal services as a reason NOT to defund Planned Parenthood. In just one example (because there are several), on July 29, 2015, Senator Dianne Feinstein came to the floor of the U.S. Senate in support of Planned Parenthood, touting prenatal care as a reason not to defund the organization, saying in part:
"I’d like to say just a little bit about the services Planned Parenthood provides and how it uses federal funds…Planned Parenthood is often the only option for women to get their annual checkup. It provides breast exams, contraception, prenatal care, cancer screenings, and testing for sexually transmitted diseases including for HIV."
The media generally fails to verify the truth of Planned Parenthood’s claims, so these unchallenged claims were the impetus behind Live Action’s investigation where 97 Planned Parenthood facilities were called — many which published “prenatal services” in bold text under the page “Pregnancy Testing & Services” on their websites. 
Our investigators discovered that, with few exceptions, Planned Parenthood staffers stated they did not offer prenatal care. The reason most often given was because Planned Parenthood provides abortions instead.

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