
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Senate Confirms Pro-Life Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, First Pro-Life AG in Eight Years

By Steven Ertelt
Live Action News

The Senate voted today to confirm pro-life Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions. The Senate approved the nomination 52-47 on a virtual party-line vote with Republicans and West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin voting to confirm and every other Democrat voting no.

The vote came after Democrats, notably pro-abortion Massachusetts Democrat Elizabeth Warren, falsely attempted to paint Sessions as racist. That was even after Sessions received an award from the NAACP a few years ago.

Senator James Lankford (R-OK) decried the false attacks.
“The tone of the Senate is starting to get so caustic and there’s so many tempers that are flaring in it,” he said. “How do we get back to real debate? If the Senators are going to actually treat each other with respect, to disagree strongly, but still be able to treat each other with respect and debate. Let’s be a role model to the nation.”
Members of the Congressional Black Caucus. All of whom support abortion, stormed the Senate earlier in the day to protest sessions nomination

Sessions will become the first pro-life Attorney General in 8 years after Attorneys General during the Obama Administration persecuted pro-life advocates. Sessions has a 100% pro-life voting record and a history of strong opposition to abortion and the Roe Supreme Court case.

During his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sessions reiterated his belief that Roe vs. Wade is one of the worst Supreme Court decisions of all time. Roe allowed virtually unlimited abortions throughout pregnancy.

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