
Saturday, February 18, 2017

She Was Looking for an Abortion But Made One Phone Call That Changed Everything

Robbi Harvell serves as a trained counselor at Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center
 in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Matt Lockett)
By Robbi Harvell
Life News

Several months ago, a 24 year-old woman called our center looking for an abortion. She spoke with someone who informed her of all of her other options; she also learned how Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center would be a resource and strength to her if she decided to keep her baby.

The woman didn’t make an appointment with one of our counselors that day—but to the glory of God, neither did she make an appointment with an abortion clinic.

I know because, a few weeks ago, she did make an appointment with us and I was privileged enough to be her counselor.

She opened her heart to me about her struggle and how she had made up her mind to abort her baby… but that wasn’t her final decision.

After that first contact, everything changed. She pins the shift in her life to the day she called us! I know it’s because, after every abortion call, we pray for Jesus to intervene and make a way in each woman’s life.

Praise God for the power of prayer! She told me how, after she called us, her parents and the baby’s father got behind her. She had hope for the future.

Read the rest of Life News story

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