
Saturday, February 11, 2017

The New Way Churches are Helping Moms and Babies

“The Love Box saved my baby. Embrace Grace saved me.”

By Amy Ford
Live Action News

In early 2016, Embrace Grace, a pro-life group that works to empower churches across the nation to be a safe and non-judging place for girls experiencing unplanned pregnancies, reported that they launched a pro-love tester called Love in a Box. 

They gave out almost 500 gift boxes to pregnancy centers around the nation that included a baby onesie, A Bump in Life book, an encouraging letter, journal, and more. 

Pregnancy Centers that received the boxes then gave them to any young, single women with a positive pregnancy test as an invitation to a local church for support and love.

Embrace Grace is a 501c3 organization that has over 300 groups around the nation in 43 states, and in five countries. They want churches to be safe places for young girls with unplanned pregnancies to run to instead of away from because of shame and guilt.

The initial results show that out of about 480 boxes that were distributed, 130 brave moms reached out to Embrace Grace to to receive a free gift and to find out more information on how they can get plugged into a church group in their local area. All of the young women who received the gift were inspired and filled with hope.

Embrace Grace is seeing less and less churches that are turning girls away in this situation and instead are seeing churches with their doors open and the body of Christ with their arms wide open to walk alongside brave single young moms. 

When churches reach out to expectant mothers in crisis, babies lives can and will be saved.

One young mother, Madeline M., told Embrace Grace, “The Love Box saved my baby. Embrace Grace saved me.”

Embrace Grace has invited pro-lifers to be a part of this pro-love initiative in many ways, but one that is the crowd favorite is by writing a letter to a brave mom.  The letters will allow pro-lifers to speak directly into the life of a mom, who just moments before found out she was pregnant, to encourage, uplift, and inspire her to choose life. 

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