
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Week Two: Prayer Initiative Campaign for Those Involved in Abortion Feb 20th - Feb. 26

'winning the war against unborn babies one soul at a time'

LeRoy Carhart
Late Term Abortionist

Late term abortionist, LeRoy Carhart, is the focus of our prayer initiative for Week Two. Live Action News reports the facts about his infamous career. Unless LeRoy Carhart turns away from the grievous sin of abortion, he is on a path to eternal hell.

We have no greater enemy that fuels the abortion industry than Satan. We, who stand for life, are in a spiritual battle. Prayer is a powerful weapon. It can tear down spiritual strongholds of the enemy.  

When those involved in abortion, turn from their sin and give their lives to Christ, the war against the unborn will start to crumble, one soul at a time. Voices has posted many stories of the redemption of those who walked away from abortion. 

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Cor 5:17

Suggested Daily Prayers for LeRoy Carhart

Day 1  
Pray for his deliverance from the lie that abortion is a woman's right.

Day 2 
 Pray the Love of Christ will overcome his hatred for those who oppose abortion.
Day 3  
Pray the Holy Spirit reveals to him abortion is premeditated murder.

Day 4  Pray that the Light of Christ sets his soul free from the evil and deceit sown by Satan. 

Day 5  Pray that God will send Christians to him and share the Gospel of Salvation.

Day 6  
Pray that he will be convicted of his sin of taking the lives of preborn babies.

Day 7  Pray that he asks God for forgiveness and surrenders his life to Jesus.

Finally: Pray that his conversion will lead him to speak out against abortion and become a strong advocate for mothers and their unborn babies.

In Loving Memory of Norma McCorvey

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