
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

ABA Gives Judge Gorsuch Its Highest Rating –“Well-Qualified”

By Dave Andrsko
National Right to Life

As the plaudits continue to roll in for Judge Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump’s nominee to replace the legendary Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court, “liberal activists are alarmed not only at the prospect of his lifetime appointment to the court, but at what they see as muted opposition from Senate Democrats,” the New York Times reports.

Of course all of the eleven “liberal activist” groups who sent a letter to Senate Democrats on Monday are pro-abortion. Indeed the organizer is none other than Ilyse Hogue, president of Naral Pro-Choice America.

According to The Hill publication

Hogue said if Democrats vote for Gorsuch, voters who favor abortion rights would take it extremely seriously.

“This is a do-or-die issue,” she said. “It is of supreme concern to people around the country.” …

There’s a growing realization that the best way to yank Democrats out of possible complacency over the Supreme Court debate is to drop the P-bomb: primary challenge.

Activists are warming up to the threat leveled by liberal filmmaker Michael Moore. He tweeted on Feb. 1 that if Democrats don’t block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, “we will find a true progressive and primary u in the next election.”

The problem for Hogue and her allies, obviously, is that Gorsuch is supremely qualified. Just yesterday, the ABA gave Gorsuch its highest rating–“well-qualified” to serve on the Supreme Court.

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