
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Abortion Activist: We Need to Do More to Honor Abortionists Who Kill Babies

'An abortion is not health care, as McMaster claimed, and it certainly is not something to celebrate' 

By Micia Bilger
Life News

Self-described abortion activist Mallory McMaster wrote a column for Broadly on Friday to praise abortion practitioners for their “sacrifice to help women.”

The Ohio woman’s column coincided with National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day, a day when abortion activists praise abortionists and their staff for their life-destroying work.

McMaster began by describing her own abortion several years ago and a woman named Katie who comforted her and held her hand.

“… I think about all she did for me, about the immense gratitude we owe to the women and men who help women obtain safe and legal abortions.”

She claimed that abortion practitioners constantly face threats of violence and societal prejudice, and praised them for continuing their work anyway.

“Despite these threats and despite the everyday stigma, thousands of doctors, nurses, medical assistants, sonographers, counselors, and security guards leave their homes and their families every day to help us get basic healthcare,” she wrote.
“In honor of National Abortion Provider Appreciation Anniversary, which commemorates the murder of abortion provider Dr. David Gunn, who was killed by an anti-abortion extremist in 1993, I look back on how much abortion providers sacrifice to help women like me,” she continued.

McMaster ended her piece by encouraging people to support and welcome abortionists in their communities. She urged abortion supporters to use their voices to oppose pro-life legislation and befriend people who work in abortion clinics so that they won’t feel shamed or isolated.

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