
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Action Update from Pro-life Waco

from John Pisciotta, Director 
Pro-Life Waco

1. Pedestrian Overpass Outreach this Saturday, I-35 near Baylor 10 AM to noon

The next big opportunity for you to participate in pro-life outreach will be this Saturday, March 18 from 10 AM to noon at the pedestrian overpass near Baylor. We will have a NEVER Again in Waco banner and also other banners to send the pro-life message to thousands of travelers on Interstate 35. This is an enjoyable event. If you try it, you will like it, as your personal presence proclaims to thousands. “I will try to defend innocent babies from destruction.” Take South 8th street to I-35 and park near Panera Bread (1000 S. 8th Street on your GPS). There is plenty of street parking available.

2. Second Sunday Gathering with Jim Sedlak

I was so encouraging to see new friends joining for this event. Jim Sedlak of American Life League delivered a powerful message on why we should battle Planned Parenthood and how we should do it. One of his key points about Planned Parenthood is that the leadership has and is deeply rooted in the “religion” of secular humanism. Secular humanism rejects the existence of a personal God who cares about our existence. Secular humanism rejects moral standards and absolutes and affirms that each of us establishes morality for himself or herself. Sound familiar for the society we live in? Jim also informed us that our by our battle to stop the expansion of Planned Parenthood is not without precedent. In 2011, Planned Parenthood of the Heartland announced a plan to expand abortion to cities in Nebraska beyond their abortion centers in Lincoln and Omaha. The expansion fell flat on its face. Today, Planned Parenthood only has two Nebraska abortion facilities. One is in Lincoln, the other in Omaha. I will be writing more about the Nebraska experience in a future update. Here are some of the sites from Second Sunday. Sorry, you will have to come to second Sunday to participate in the tastes.

3. Pisciotta Letter to the Editor printed in the Waco Tribune-Herald

My letter to the editor was printed in full in the Waco Tribune-Herald on March 14. I reflected on female lives lost during the first reign of abortion havoc (1994-2013) and lamented the possibility of a replay of this deadly intrusion by Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas into the Waco area.  Click here to read my letter.  

4. Planned Parenthood protest in Austin, May 11th.

The management headquarters of Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas is in Austin! We must send them a very clear message that we do not want abortion ever to return to Waco. On the evening of Thursday, May 11, there will be a Planned Parenthood social event called Cocktails for a Cause. This happens at The Belmont party center (305 W 6th Street). Hundreds of abortion supporters in the Austin area will attend. PLW has protested this event in the past and we must do so again in 2017. This will be child-friendly. We will not display aborted baby signs. A vanpool will depart St. Mary’s parish parking lot at 2:30 PM. We will begin our protest at 5 PM, holding signs on the sidewalk in front of The Belmont as abortion supporters arrive. The protest will be from 5 to 6:30 PM. The actual event at The Belmont starts at 6 PM. In the past, we have had seven or eight people in our outreach. To make an impression on the Austin leadership of PPGT, we need at least 30 to stand for life that evening. If you tentatively think you will join in, respond and let me know. Also, it would be such a blessing if have support pro-lifers from the Austin area would support us in the battle against the return of abortion to Waco. If you can do this and meet us at The Belmont at 5 PM. Again, respond and let me know. Possibly you could put together a full car of friends to collaborate with our Never Again battle over life or death for babies in the womb.

5. Checklist for our Never Again participation
1. I am praying that Waco and Central Texas will be spared from the return of the shedding of innocent blood in Waco.
2. I have a Never Again yard sign in front of my home even though it makes me a little uncomfortable to be so open about this.
3. With my family, business colleagues, and church friends, I discuss the reality of PP’s Austin leaders scheme to return abortion to Waco at 1121 Ross Ave. and possibly later at a new facility under construction at 700 West HWY 6. 
4. I am planning to participate in one or more Never Again in Waco outreach activities in March and April: overpass outreach, letter to the editor of the Waco Trib (, prayer at 1121 Ross Avenue or 700 W HWY 6, thank you notes for pastor support, Second Sunday Gathering, financial contribution.
5. I am praying that Waco and Central Texas will be spared from the return of the shedding of innocent blood in Waco.

Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity.  For more information on Pro-Life Waco, please use this link.

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