
Monday, March 27, 2017

African-American Pro-Lifer Tells Trump: ‘No Taxpayer Funding of Abortion’ in Healthcare plan

By Lisa Bourne
Life Site News

An ordinary American citizen negatively affected by Obamacare reminded President Trump recently that taxpayer dollars should not fund abortion and that any civil right is false without the right to life. See video from 13:07 onwards.

“I know from St. John Paul II, he said that all of our human and civil rights that we believe in as Americans — that we share as American, the right to healthcare, the right to medical care, to housing, to all of these different things – are illusory if the right to life isn’t defended with maximum determination,” Louis Brown said during a recent healthcare listening session with Americans hurt by Obamacare.

Brown, a 35-year-old attorney from Virginia, described how he left his job with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in 2009 when the Affordable Care Act was going through Congress because he saw how former President Obama’s signature healthcare law would promote taxpayer-funded abortion.

“I resigned my position because I could tell that the Democratic bill that was going through Congress wanted to publicly fund abortion,” stated Brown, “and that’s not something that I could go along with. So I resigned my position.”

He is now the director for the Christ Medicus Foundation. The Catholic healthcare foundation focuses on building a culture of life, protecting conscience rights and religious liberty in healthcare, opposing public funding of abortion, and fighting discrimination against pro-life medical providers.

Brown also noted as an African American the significant loss of life from abortion among the African-American community.

“Seventeen million African Americans, it’s shown, that probably have been aborted since Roe v. Wade,” he said.

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