
Saturday, March 18, 2017

Alabama House Passes Pro-Life Bill Saying There is No Right to Abortion

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Alabama lawmakers are preparing for the day when Roe v. Wade is overturned.

Abortion will not become illegal immediately when Roe is overturned; instead, the power to legislate abortion will return to the states.

On Thursday, the Alabama House passed a bill that would protect unborn babies’ right to life in the event that Roe is overturned; legislators voted 67-14 in favor of the measure, Alabama Media Group reports.

The Associated Press reports the bill would amend the state constitution to declare Alabama a “right to life” state. If the bill passes the state Senate, the amendment also would have to be approved by voters on the 2018 ballot.

Here’s more from the AP:

“We want to make sure that at a state level, if Roe v. Wade is overturned, that the Alabama Constitution cannot be used as a mechanism by which to claim that there is a right to abortion,” said state Rep. Matt Fridy, the legislation’s sponsor.
The proposed constitutional amendment says it would be Alabama’s public policy “to recognize and support the sanctity of unborn life and the rights of unborn children, most importantly the right to life.”
Fridy disputed any notion that politics were at play and said Alabama is “a pro-life state.” Trump easily won Alabama in November with 62 percent of the vote.

Other states such as Missouri and Utah have approved similar “right to life” measures.

Local Planned Parenthood leaders blasted the legislation, saying it would “completely outlaw abortion.”

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