
Friday, March 31, 2017

BREAKING: US Senate Axes Obama Order Forcing States to Fund Planned Parenthood

By Claire Chretien
Life Site News

Vice President Mike Pence broke a tie in the U.S. Senate today to overturn an Obama-era regulation forcing states to give Title X money to organizations that commit abortions. The Senate voted 50 to 50 to overturn the abortion-facility-enabling regulation.

Sen. Susan Collins, R-ME, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-AK, voted against allowing a vote on the bill. The Senate was tied at 50-50 on whether to allow a vote, so Pence broke the tie. Collins and Murkowski then voted against the bill, causing another 50-50 tie that Pence broke.

This was the first abortion-related vote in the Senate since the 2015 vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, according to the Susan B. Anthony List.

Title X money comes from the government to fund "family planning services," but technically not abortion. Pro-life advocates point out that government money Planned Parenthood receives helps the abortion-centered organization overall, and that such money is fungible.

Shortly before he left office, Obama pushed through an HHS regulation that essentially forces states to give Planned Parenthood Title X funding. Under this rule, states must give Planned Parenthood or abortionists Title X grants and may not choose to redirect those funds to comprehensive healthcare clinics.

On February 16, the U.S. House voted 230 to 188 to overturn this regulation. Congress is able to overturn it because of the Congressional Review Act, which allows it to undo such agency regulations within 60 legislative days.

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