
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Bucks County Representative Refuses to Meet with Constituents on the Dismemberment Abortion Ban

by Barney Byrne

A Ban on Abortion by Dismemberment, which is the actual ripping apart of fetuses, while still in their mother's womb, has recently been passed by the Pa. Senate and is awaiting a probable passing by the Pa. House of Representatives. Once approved the Bill to ban dismemberment abortions will go to Governor Wolf's desk, where it will almost certainly be vetoed, by a Governor, who was at one time, a Planned Parenthood escort, possibly even escorting women into have dismemberment abortions.

If passed by the Pa. House and vetoed by the Governor, the Pa. Legislature must have the courage and decency to override any veto, for the sake of our common moral values, as a civilized society. However, to override a veto on this ban, we need the help of Senator Chuck McIlhinney, who was one of only two Republican Senators to vote against this Ban.

We must all convince Senator McIlhinney to reconsider his horrific vote in favor of this procedure, that defies any form of human decency which I believe runs counter to the wishes of a large majority of Senator McIlhinney's constituents.

On the Pa. House side of government, we have to convince representative Bernie O'Neill, who has voted twice in the past to allow this horrible procedure to continue. We desperately need him to see the special horror in this form of abortion and how it stains our humanity.

I have been told by pro-life advocates in Rep. O'Neill's district that he has made constant excuses through his office manager on why he could not meet with them to discuss this Ban.

They were also told that Rep. O'Neill does not have any problems with the content of the bill to end Abortion by dismemberment, but only opposes the irregular way in which it was brought before the house. I contend the content of this bill is too important to let procedural issues interfere with it's passage.

A quote from the Intelligencer's "Our View" from February 26, would I believe be good advice, especially for Representative O'Neill, Senator McIlhinney, and indeed all of our legislators.

I quote, "As public servants, part of Rep. O'Neill's and Senator's McIlhinney's job is actually meeting with their constituents - not only in controlled venues, and certainly not only with the people who voted for them. They represent everyone, and every person they represent should have the opportunity to see their legislator in the flesh, to ask them difficult questions and to see how they comport themselves when everything isn't scripted."

It's past time, that our government representatives show the political courage, to stand up for what is morally right and not fear offending some political constituents who cling to some barbaric practices.

Barney Byrne is a pro-life advocate who resides in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

Those who live in Senator Chuck McIlhinney and Representative Bernie O'Neill's district need to contact them immediately by phone and e-mail.  Also, please see if you can set up a meeting with them to discuss this issue as well. 

  • Urge Representative O'Neill to vote yes on SB 3 - the Dismemberment Abortion Ban. Also ask him why he refuses to meet with his constituents about this bill. 
  • Urge Senator McIlhinney to vote to override Gov. Wolf's veto of this bill. 

PA State Representative O’Neill, Doylestown Office
755 York Road, Suite 105
Warminster, PA 18974
Phone: 215-441-2624

Senator McIlhinney, Doylestown Office
22 South Main Street, Suite 220
Doylestown, PA 18901
Phone: 215-489-5000

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call or text 610-626-4006  

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available.  Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

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