
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

California Bill Would Require Public Colleges to Provide Medical Abortions to Students

By Susan Michelle-Hanson  
Live ActionNews

A California state senator thinks the state’s college students need more access to ‘free’ abortion, and she has proposed a bill to give them that — using public money.

SB 320 would require California’s public colleges and universities that have student health centers to offer the abortion pill to students. The bill, introduced by Sen. Connie Leyva (D-Chino), is co-sponsored by the Women’s Foundation of California, ACCESS Women’s Health Justice and ACT for Women and Girls, and would force these student health clinics to offer medical abortion. It does not mandate surgical abortion.

The bill’s text reads in part:

The bill would require student health insurance plans offered by campuses of the California State University and the California Community Colleges to include coverage of abortion as part of the student health insurance plan. The bill would also require, as a condition for the use of state funds for purposes of providing health insurance coverage for its students, the University of California to offer coverage of abortion as part of the student health insurance plan.

The bill would require campuses of the California State University and the California Community Colleges that operate on-campus health centers to offer abortion by medication techniques and scientifically accurate abortion counseling services to their students. 

The bill would also require, as a condition for the use of state funds for purposes of operating on-campus health centers, each campus of the University of California that has an on-campus health center to offer abortion by medication techniques and scientifically accurate abortion counseling services to its students.

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