
Saturday, March 4, 2017

Father Has Right to Stop Abortion, South American Judge Rules

Judge Pura Book

By Gualberto Garcia, Esq.
Life Site News

A local family judge in Uruguay has ruled in favor of a dad who wanted to prevent the mother of his child from aborting the baby.

The legal battle began after the father of the child filed suit to assert his parental rights. In response, Judge Pura Book issued a protective order to prevent the abortion, protect the right to life of the child, and refer the case to the Constitutional Court for expedited adjudication.

The 24-year-old woman seeking to abort her 10-week-old child is currently employed at a government "health" clinic that provides abortions under the new abortion law. She alleged that while she is employed and has no health problems, she did not want to have a child and felt it was her right to an abortion.

The father, who is not married and not in a relationship with the mother, argued that he has the means and would be willing to exercise sole custody and maintenance of the child as soon as possible.

To complicate matters further, the woman has since announced that she suffered a miscarriage and blamed it on the stress brought upon her by the litigation.

Lawyers for the father voiced suspicion that the woman might have taken the life of the child on her own, but attorneys for the mother assert that they have provided medical evidence that child perished as a result of a miscarriage. No investigation has been ordered.

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