
Saturday, March 11, 2017

For the First Time in Decades

from Denise Burke, Vice President of Legal Affairs
Americans United for Life

For the first time in 28 years, Wyoming has enacted new pro-life laws defending our most vulnerable. Americans United for Life partnered with pro-life leaders in Wyoming to pass two new laws ensuring the protection of life.

The first law states that doctors who perform abortions must let a mother know that she may see an ultrasound if she wishes. Women should always have the choice to look at ultrasound images. Withholding those images denies women important information that impacts their abortion decisions and an experience they can never recapture.

The second law prohibits the exploitation of and experimentation on tissue from aborted unborn infants. It has been well-documented that the bodies of unborn infants have been sold as “parts” for scientific research. A humane society does not dispose of unborn infants as trash or spare parts. Wyoming has realized another victory against this unthinkable practice.

AUL is proud to have played a role in the passage of these laws and thanks Governor Matt Mead and the pro-life legislators in Wyoming who ushered in the first pro-life victories for their state in decades.

Americans United for Life is the legal architect of the pro-life movement. We are accumulating victories, building momentum, and advancing a culture of life in America.
Legal and policy issues on which we work nationally and internationally include:

Our work takes us from state legislatures to Capitol Hill and from American courtrooms to international tribunals. We are using life-affirming laws and policies as a vehicle to restore a culture of life in America and throughout the world.  For more information about Americans United for Life, please use this link.  

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