
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Jane Fonda Turns Killing Babies Into a Fashion Statement With Planned Parenthood Pin

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

When it comes to business, Planned Parenthood is for Hollywood and diapers are for Trump, according to two liberal activist celebrities.

On Monday, actresses Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin appeared as guests on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to discuss their Netflix show, Grace & Frankie. But that’s not all they did: the two stars got political.

In the middle of the show, Fonda joked to host Stephen Colbert that President Donald Trump should invest in a new business.

“I have an idea for a new business model for Trump,” she said. “Adult diapers.” To much cheering from the audience, Fonda added, “They could be called ‘Trumpers,’ because – to help with all the leaks.”
The two actresses also garnered applause when Colbert revealed that the two participated in the Los Angeles Women’s March. The march, a January protest inspired by Trump’s election to the presidency, claimed to represent “all” women even as it dismissed pro-life women with a pro-abortion platform. The event even boasted Planned Parenthood as a “premier partner.”

But that was something the liberal activist actresses supported. At the very end of their appearance, Fonda exclaimed, “Notice our Planned Parenthood pins!” Both she and Tomlin pointed to the golden pins on their shirts – a new fashion trend in Hollywood.

Netflix recently debuted the third season of Grace & Frankie, where the two main characters, played by Fonda and Tomlin, become close friends after their husbands leave them to pursue a gay relationship with each together.

LifeNews Note: Katie Yoder writes for Newsbusters, where this originally appeared.

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