
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Media Trashes Pregnancy Centers for Advertising Abortion Alternatives

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

A biased article in Bloomberg this week painted pro-life pregnancy centers in a bad light for offering women alternatives to abortion.

“Beware Google Ads for ‘Abortion Consultations’: Religious-affiliated groups are testing misleading mobile tools,” the headline read.
More of an opinion piece than a report, the article basically echoed the pro-abortion talking points that have been used to attack pro-life pregnancy centers for years.
The article concluded, “The bottom line: America’s 3,000 pregnancy centers are adopting online and mobile ad tactics to draw women away from abortion providers.”
While this may seem like a positive conclusion to pro-lifers, most of the article focused on abortion activists’ claims that pro-life groups are deceiving and manipulating women.

It began:

Imagine you’re pregnant, and you don’t want to be. You type “abortion pittsburgh” into Google, and the first result is the Pittsburgh Women’s Clinic, offering “free abortion consultations.” “Only you know what’s best for you,” the Google ad reads. “Same-day appointments available. Call now!” You click and come face-to-face with a photo of a smiling woman with a stethoscope. “Looking for an abortion?” she asks in 65-point font. But you won’t get one from her or from the Pittsburgh Women’s Clinic. No clinic with that precise name exists.

The website, a project of Human Coalition, directs women to a network of pregnancy centers that offer women free consultations about their options, including abortion, parenting and adoption. Pregnancy centers’ services are entirely free, and they provide resources and support that most women won’t find at abortion clinics.

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