
Friday, March 3, 2017

Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz in Panic Mode as Pro-Lifers Pray at 130 of Their Abortion Clinics

By Shawn Carney
Life News

Of the 340+ locations where peaceful 40 Days for Life prayer vigils are under way … more than 130 of them are outside Planned Parenthood offices.

And the Planned Parenthood boss is not having a good 2017.

In a recent interview, Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards indicated that because of the changing political climate in the United States, her organization is preparing for the worst-case scenario.

While Planned Parenthood insists that the half-billion dollars in taxpayer funding it receives every year does not pay for abortion … this cash props up the abortion giant, allowing it to remain in business.

While there is certainly a political side to all of this, there’s also a spiritual side. And the bottom line is that it’s time to pray — more fervently than ever — for an end to abortion.

Certainly that applies to those of you praying outside Planned Parenthood facilities … but it applies to all of us as well. All of our prayers — gathered together as one — can make an enormous difference!

San Antonio, Texas

As the 40 Days for Life bus pulled up to the kickoff event outside Planned Parenthood in San Antonio, the team onboard was greeted in both English and Spanish.

And the greeting was returned in both languages.

“It was great to see so many Spanish-speaking volunteers,” said Steve Karlen, 40 Days for Life’s North American campaign director, “many of whom had come out to the sidewalk — to pray for an end to abortion — for the first time.

San Antonio was one of the 89 cities that took part in the first nationally-coordinated 40 Days for Life campaign in 2007 … and this new vigil marks the 17th time this city has participated.

The enthusiasm remains high … and it’s always encouraging to see brand-new volunteers joining in the prayer and fasting at a well-established campaign.

Life News article continues

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