
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Police Find 19 Aborted Girl Babies Abandoned Near a Hospital

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Police in India are investigating a Maharashtra hospital after they uncovered the bodies of 19 aborted baby girls and a woman died in a botched abortion.

The news is another sign of the continuing problem of sex-selection abortions and the targeting of unborn girls. Sex-selection abortions are illegal in India, as are sex-determination procedures and tests, but investigations like these indicate the practice continues anyway.

The BBC reports last week, police found 19 aborted baby girls buried near the hospital “with the intention of disposing” the bodies at a later time.

Police said they began investigating the hospital after learning of a woman who died in a botched abortion on Feb. 28. They said they were looking for the woman’s aborted baby when they discovered the other bodies.“It appears to be an abortion racket. We have arrested the husband of the woman, and have launched a manhunt for the doctor who has gone missing,” Dattatray Shinde, superintendent of police, told the BBC.

The husband allegedly wanted the abortion after learning his wife was carrying a girl, their third child, according to the Times of India. The woman was 26 years old and died on Feb. 28 after the abortion, according to police.

Here’s more from the report:

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