
Friday, March 17, 2017

Tell Tumblr What you Think of its Partnership with Planned Parenthood

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life

The social media blogging site Tumblr has partnered with Planned Parenthood and is urging other tech companies to do the same.

As Planned Parenthood stands to lose $500 million in annual taxpayer funds, pro-abortion celebrities, individuals and corporations are uniting behind the nation’s largest abortion provider.

Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg has donated $1 million to Planned Parenthood, and Tumblr CEO David Karp, -- a Planned Parenthood board member – has overseen the contribution of $80,000 from his employees to the abortion giant.

To highlight this unholy alliance, we are asking people to send a message to Tumblr to let them know:

Support of child murder is nothing to celebrate!

They want to stand with women but instead they have betrayed women by supporting one of the most anti-women organizations in the world.

I am asking you to sign a petition that will be forwarded to Tumblr to let them know they have partnered with an organization that exploits women when they are at their most vulnerable. Planned Parenthood’s motto is “Care. No Matter What” when it is clear that a more truthful slogan would be “Abortion. No Matter What.”

So please click here to find out how to sign the petition to Tumblr

As a Private Association of the Faithful, recognized and approved under the Canon Law of the Catholic Church, and working in harmony with the goals of the Bishops' Pro-Life Committee and the local diocesan respect life offices, Priests for Life seeks to:
  1. unite, encourage, and provide ongoing training to priests and deacons who give a special emphasis to the "life issues", especially abortion and euthanasia, in their ministries;
  2. instill a sense of urgency in all clergy to teach about these issues and to mobilize their people to help stop abortion and euthanasia;
  3. assist clergy and laity to work together productively for the cause of life;
  4. provide ongoing training and motivation to the entire pro-life movement.
All pro-life groups, whether Catholic or Protestant, recognize the benefit of the leadership of the clergy in the pro-life movement and often yearn for more of it.  For more information on Priests for Life, please use this link.

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