
Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Party of Killing: Dems Say NO to Gorsuch

from Life Legal Defense Foundation

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced this week that he will NOT vote to confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Under current rules, Senate Republicans would have to overcome a filibuster with 60 votes, which means they would have to convince 8 Democrats to vote with them to confirm Gorsuch.

Republicans are considering changing the filibuster rule to require a simple majority of 51 votes for a Supreme Court confirmation vote—the so-called “nuclear” option.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said Judge Gorsuch has an “alarming history” on abortion, even though he has never authored an opinion on the issue. Planned Parenthood fears Gorsuch will uphold restrictions on abortion consistent with his belief that “the intentional taking of a human life by private persons is always wrong.”

One would think that Gorsuch’s view would be universal in a civilized country.

Clearly this is not the case. Our country is now as deeply divided as it was during the period just prior to the Civil War. Indeed, the case that ALL human life is intrinsically valuable is not new. We at Life Legal are engaged in a struggle as old as our country—as old as the world.

As it was in the 19th century when abolitionists like Harriet Beecher Stowe and British Parliamentarian William Wilberforce fought a long legal war against the depravity of chattel slavery, we find ourselves in a battle between truth and the lie that some human beings are unworthy of protection under the law. We, like Judge Gorsuch, believe that ALL human life has intrinsic value and that the taking of a life by a private person—whether through abortion or euthanasia—is ALWAYS wrong.

Life Legal is currently litigating some of the most prominent pro-life cases in the nation, including:

  • National Abortion Federation v. the Center for Medical Progress and David Daleiden
  • Planned Parenthood v. the Center for Medical Progress and David Daleiden
  • Ahn v. Hestrin (challenging California’s assisted suicide law)
  • In the Matter of JR (involving a young disabled man who is threatened with death by starvation and dehydration)
  • Diss v. Portland Public Schools (teacher who was fired for refusing to facilitate a Planned Parenthood program in his classroom)

The Life Legal Defense Foundation is a non-profit law firm that specializes in the defense of vulnerable human life, especially life in the womb. For more information on this organization or to make a donation to help them with their work, please use this link. 

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