
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

This is the Baby that Star Wars Star Mark Hamill Wanted Dead

Baby Autumn, daughter of Maegan Chen and Nathan Hamill
By Claire Chretien
Life Site News

December 16, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Many Star Wars fans flocking to see Rogue One this weekend don't know the dark side of Mark Hamill, the actor who plays Luke Skywalker. When Los Angeles model Maegan Chen found out earlier this year that she was pregnant with Hamill's grandbaby, Hamill and his son Nathan pressured her to have an abortion.

But despite the attempted coercion, Maegan courageously resisted, and her baby, Autumn, was just born and is thriving.

Maegan was unavailable for comment on this story, but she discussed the situation with LifeSiteNews for a previous report.

She found out she was pregnant with Nathan Hamill's baby in March 2016. The two had begun dating in January 2016.
"I told him that I was pregnant as soon as I knew," Maegan told LifeSiteNews. "He immediately told me he wanted me to get an abortion" even though the trauma of a previous abortion had left her "suicidal and depressed for a long time afterwards."
In an article for XO Jane, Maegan wrote that Nathan's first reaction to learning of her pregnancy was "f***."

After much pressure from Nathan, Maegan agreed to abort her baby. However, a communication mix-up prevented the scheduled surgical abortion from happening, so she opted for the abortion pill. After taking the abortion pill, Maegan thought that she had aborted the baby. But a later ultrasound showed the baby was alive and well.

Nathan maintained that abortion was Maegan's only option and said "he stopped talking with me so I couldn't again ask why there was no other alternative" and called her "selfish" for wanting to save the baby.

Maegan says Nathan's father Mark, famous for playing Luke Skywalker, also pressured her to have an abortion. Mark and his wife Marilou told Maegan abortion was her only option and that Nathan wasn't ready for another child.

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National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
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