
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week 5: Voices Prayer Campaign for Abortionist Steven Brigham, Mar 13th thru March 19th

'winning the war against unborn babies and their mothers one soul at a time'

Steven Brigham has performed 40,000 abortions over a 20 year period. He's been arrested many times on various charges, including insurance fraud and tax evasion. His medical license has been revoked in several states for his unsafe practices in performing abortions. Steven Brigham's notorious 'career' as an abortionist can be read here. 

He is a lost soul and unrepentant in his callousness in killing unborn children and wounding their mothers, some who have suffered botched abortions.  If he does not turn from his practice of aborting babies, his eternal fate will be sealed. Please join Voices for the Unborn in praying for his salvation.

"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name." John 1:12 NIV

Suggested Daily Prayers for Steven Brigham

Day 1  Pray that God delivers him from his greed that motivates him to perform abortions.

Day 2  Pray the Light of Christ dispels the darkness in his soul. 

Day 3  Pray the Holy Spirit reveals his evil choices will lead to eternal damnation.

Day 4  
Pray he will deeply regret harming women through abortion.

Day 5  
Pray he is sorrowful for killing thousands of unborn babies.

Day 6  
Pray that Jesus' Love will flood his soul and free him from satan's grip.

Day 7  Pray he is brought to his knees and surrenders his life to Jesus Christ, his only hope.

Finally: Pray that his conversion leads him to publicly renounce abortion, confess Christ as His Savior and declare the sacredness of human life.

"This is what we are all about…conversion. We will continue to reach out to these men and women in love. Hate doesn’t work. Condemnation doesn’t work. Judgment doesn’t work. The mercy of Christ is what WORKS. Please pray with us....You are making a difference." Abby Johnson, former PP clinic director and founder of 'And Then There Was None'

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