
Sunday, March 26, 2017

Week 7: Voices Prayer Campaign for Lisa Perriera, March 26 thru April 2

'winning the war against unborn babies and their mothers one soul at a time'

Abortionist Lisa Perrier
C. S. Lewis said that evil comes from the abuse of free will. God gave us a free will to choose His path to salvation through His Son or satan's path to eternal damnation.

Lisa Pierriera is the focus of our prayers for week 7. She is an abortionist who has chosen to use her free will to kill unborn babies, wound their mothers and even cause a young woman to die from a botched abortion. She is currently performing abortions at the Philadelphia Women's Center. Recently, she spoke out against a PA Senate bill that prohibits abortion after 20 weeks. Read Life News report on her advocacy for late term abortions.

As we pray for Lisa Pierriera this week, let's remember God's great love, mercy and forgiveness toward us for our sinful choices.

When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  Matthew 19:25-26

Suggested Daily Prayers for Lisa Perriera

Day 1  Pray that God sends His followers to share the truth of His salvation.

Day 2  Pray the Light of Christ dispels the darkness in her soul. 

Day 3  Pray the Holy Spirit reveals her evil choices will lead to eternal damnation.

Day 4  
Pray she will deeply regret harming women through abortion.

Day 5  
Pray she will cry out to God for forgiveness in taking the lives of unborn babies.

Day 6  
Pray that Jesus' Love will flood her soul and free her from satan's grasp.

Day 7  Pray that she will surrender her life to Jesus Christ, her only hope.

Finally: Pray that her conversion leads her to publicly renounce abortion, confess Christ as her Savior and declare the sacredness of human life.

"Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

"This is what we are all about…conversion. We will continue to reach out to these men and women in love. Hate doesn’t work. Condemnation doesn’t work. Judgment doesn’t work. The mercy of Christ is what WORKS. Please pray with us....You are making a difference." Abby Johnson, former PP clinic director and founder of 'And Then There Was None'

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