
Monday, April 17, 2017

Abortion Activist Caught on Camera Destroying Pro-Life Display Not Once But Twice

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Another student abortion activist tried to destroy a college pro-life display Wednesday in Washington state.

Washington State University Students for Life set up the display this week to raise awareness about the number of babies killed in abortions every day, the Daily Evergreen student newspaper reports. The “Cemetery of the Innocents” display included 300 pink crosses, each representing the lives of 10 babies who are aborted every day in the United States.

On Wednesday, a pro-abortion student tore the crosses out of the ground twice and later admitted to his actions, according to the report.

Student Keaton Aspell told the newspaper that he felt disgusted when he walked out of class on Wednesday and saw the pro-life display. He said he pulled out the crosses and threw away the display signs, and then posted about it on social media.

Pro-life students set up the display again, but Aspell later came back, according to the report. When Aspell began tearing down the display again, the pro-life students called the campus police, the report states.

Nicole Manzione, a pro-life club member, told the newspaper that she tried talking with Aspell, but he would not stop.

“We tried to have a good conversation with him, calm and civil, and he just kept taking them down no matter what we said,” Manzione said.
Aspell said the display was disgusting and divisive, and a lot of people supported his actions on social media.

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