
Friday, April 7, 2017

Baby Saved at Planned Parenthood in NE Philadelphia During 40 Days for Life

Photo of NE Philly Planned Parenthood

It was a beautiful sunny afternoon on a 'killing day' at Planned Parenthood in NE Philadelphia. A number of women were being dropped off at the front door. Two PP 'escorts' were on guard to ensure that pro-lifers would not try to speak with them.

Five women were participating in the 40 Days for Life praying on the opposite side of the PP building. As they prayed, women arrived in cars, cabs and public transportation. One of these women walked up the driveway. A pro-lifer walked over to speak with her. She handed her information about help in a crisis pregnancy. She took the handout and walked into PP. 

As we continued praying, two teenage boys started walking up the driveway. We asked them why they were going into PP. They told us they were students at a public high school and were going to get tested for HIV.

The boys went in and exited the building within a few minutes. When asked what happened, they were told that PP does not do HIV testing. This PP website  contradicts what PP told them. They were given an address miles away to get tested. Since these boys were taking public transportation and were concerned about confidentiality, it's doubtful they went to the 'referral'.

A trucker exited his parked 18 wheeler near the building. As he approached us, he thanked us for being there to help women save their unborn babies. He shared that he and his wife could not have children. As a young woman walked up to the door of PP, he said, "Don't go in there. I'll take your baby." An intercessor told him to pray for those having an abortion, as well as the abortionist, that God may bless him with a baby.

Shortly before PP was closing, a young woman approached us. She said she decided not to have an abortion after viewing a video. Even though she was 15 weeks pregnant, she said an ultrasound was not done. She told us that PP's fee for the abortion procedure was $700. 

As she waited for the bus, she was asked if anyone knew about her pregnancy. She said she told no one. A sidewalk counselor gave her a brochure with our local hot-line number and comprehensive services to help her. She told her about all the homes and crisis pregnancy centers in our area. 

She said she would tell her Christian grandmother about her pregnancy. We offered to have someone go with her to speak with her grandmother, if needed. She was confident that her grandmother would be supportive of her and the baby and thanked us for the information. 
Please pray for this young mother that she will follow up with our hotline. Also, pray the teenagers would get tested, medical help and Christ-centered counseling, and that the trucker and His wife would be blessed with a baby.

Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call or text 610-626-4006  

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available.  Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

1 comment:

  1. This was a concerted effort by everyone present that morning. My friend Terry and I just happened to be at the right place at the right time. I have no doubt that the prayers being prayed that morning were directly responsible for this young woman changing her mind.
