
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Christian University Cuts Ties With Planned Parenthood After Pro-Life Students Protest

By Students for Life of America

Life News

In a huge win for the Students for Life group at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington, the school has officially cut ties with the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.

In an email to the campus today (full text below), Whitworth University president Beck Taylor wrote: ­­­­­“I recently instructed the Dornsife Center for Community Engagement not to renew that relationship. This is the only formal partnership the university currently has with Planned Parenthood. At the end of the current academic year, Whitworth will no longer offer credit-bearing service-learning placements or internships with the organization.”

Whitworth University bills itself as a Christian school of higher education.

“The school deserves credit for cutting Planned Parenthood from their campus community and providing an example of a Christian university making an attempt to educate and support students, rather than send them to the nation’s largest abortion provider,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America.
In October 2016, the Students for Life group at Whitworth University petitioned the school to sever their relationship with Planned Parenthood. The school offered for-credit internships and was listed as a ‘community partner’ on their website.

James Silberman, Whitworth SFL’s vice-president, even wrote a commentary piece in the school paper, about the detrimental relationship between the school and Planned Parenthood, which commits a third of the nation’s abortions, equal to 888 per day, 323,999 per year. He demanded the school renounce that partnership.

The email from the president of Whitworth University is obviously pained and while inaccurate (Planned Parenthood provides abortions, not “abortion-related services”), it is a big step in the right direction.

“The email reflects the current nature of the college campus environment, where abortion advocates don’t think twice about offending pro-life students, vandalizing their property, or threatening them on social media,” continued Hawkins. “But we are so proud of our pro-life students, who face adversity with courage and resolve every day and never back down from defending preborn lives and the women betrayed by Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.”

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