
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Court Rules Nurse Fired for Refusing to Assist Abortions Must Do Abortions to Keep Her Job

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Ellinor Grimmark is a nurse in Sweden who filed a claim that the hospital where she worked discriminated against her because she refused to participate in abortions.

Newly-graduated, Grimmark was fired from her position because she refused to assist abortions. Even though there was a shortage of midwives at the time she was fired and even though she is willing to take on double shifts, she has been denied a job ever since. One employer had first agreed to hire her in spite of the “complication”, but withdrew the offer when her story began to spread in media.

Grimmark says in a statement to the newspaper Aftonbladet: 
”As a midwife, I want to exercise a profession which defends life and saves lives at all cost. Are healthcare practitioners in Sweden to be forced to take part in procedures that extinguish life, at its beginning or final stages?" 
 "Somebody has to take the little children’s side, somebody has to fight for their right to life. A midwife described to me how she had held an aborted baby in her arms, still alive, and cried desperately for an hour while the baby struggled to breathe. These children do not even have a right to pain relief. I cannot take part in this.”
But a Swedish court ruled today that Grimmark has no choice but to participate in abortions if she wants to keep her job.

The Swedish Appeals Court decided Wednesday that the government can force medical professionals to perform abortions, or else be forced out of their profession. Because the ruling in Grimmark v. Landstinget i Jönköpings Län contradicts international law protecting conscientious objection, Grimmark is now considering whether to take her case to the European Court of Human Rights.

Life News report continues

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1 comment:

  1. She needs to apply to the USA for immigration to the US under reasons of religious and moral discrimination. So much for Sweden being the country of peace when they demand that medical professionals commit murder or leave the profession.
