
Friday, April 28, 2017

Does Your State Senator Know You Support PA SB300?

Friends of Life,

Right now we have a window of opportunity to encourage your State Senator in shifting your tax dollars away from Planned Parenthood, the state's leading abortion business, after a committee just passed SB300, bringing it to the full Senate.

Here's the roll call:

Voting YES on SB300: Argall (R), Aument (R), DiSanto (R), Eichelberger (R), Hutchinson (R), Scarnati (R), Ward (R).
Voting NO on SB300: Blake (D), Browne (R), Costa (D), Haywood (D), Hughes (D).

To find out who your State Senator is, use our Citizen Action Center by entering your zip code at the bottom of the page.

Know the facts surrounding Planned Parenthood's extreme activities in Pennsylvania.

For our detailed report explaining these facts - including the lack of any prenatal care – click here to get your free copy.

SB300 passed with a vote of 7-5 in the State Senate Finance Committee. A few dozen Planned Parenthood supporters were in the committee room - including their head lobbyist - and they are currently pushing hard to stop SB300 from advancing. A big reason why - over the last four reporting cycles Planned Parenthood has received over $21 million in both federal and state taxpayer funding.

Here's a glimpse into what Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania looks like:

1) Zero prenatal care - not one Planned Parenthood facility in Pennsylvania offers prenatal services. (Although, until we exposed this fact, they had advertised this fact on their websites.)
2) Zero mammograms - not one Planned Parenthood facility is even licensed to perform mammograms. (Even though they frequently have suggested women would be denied access to mammograms if they were defunded.)
3) Drop in patients served. Planned Parenthood has had a 16% decrease in patients over their last two reporting years (2013-2015).
4) There are only 25 Planned Parenthood facilities compared to over 300 Community Health Centers across Pennsylvania.
Planned Parenthood is a bad investment for PA taxpayers. There are better options that provide more comprehensive women's health services that don't include abortion. That's why Pennsylvania needs SB300. Be sure to encourage your State Senator to support SB300.

Thank you!

Michael Geer, President
Pennsylvania Family Council

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Pennsylvania Family Council

23 N Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101

717-545-0600 |

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