
Sunday, April 9, 2017

Father Frank Pavone's Prayer for Pro-Life Advocates

Pro-life Prayer Warriors and Sidewalk 
Counselors outside Planned Parenthood 
located in Warminster, Pa. 

by Rev. Frank Pavone, 
National Director, Priests for Life

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
You have filled us with your Holy Spirit,
Who is our advocate in the heavens
And you have made us advocates
For the weakest of all, the unborn. 

Your Son has promised us that 
We will be hated on account of his Name
And persecuted for the good that we do. 

We ask you today to bless
All of us who are advocates for life.
Bless every facet and activity 
Of the pro-life movement,
And grant us strength
And perseverance in this cause,
No matter what the obstacles. 

Bless all those who have assisted in the 
Effort to expose Planned Parenthood,
Through projects in the past
And in the present. 

Give them, and all of us who work in this 
Great movement, the protection of your
 Providence and the peace and joy
That come only from you,
And that nobody can take from us. 

We pray in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.

As a Private Association of the Faithful, recognized and approved under the Canon Law of the Catholic Church, and working in harmony with the goals of the Bishops' Pro-Life Committee and the local diocesan respect life offices, Priests for Life seeks to:
  1. unite, encourage, and provide ongoing training to priests and deacons who give a special emphasis to the "life issues", especially abortion and euthanasia, in their ministries;
  2. instill a sense of urgency in all clergy to teach about these issues and to mobilize their people to help stop abortion and euthanasia;
  3. assist clergy and laity to work together productively for the cause of life;
  4. provide ongoing training and motivation to the entire pro-life movement.
All pro-life groups, whether Catholic or Protestant, recognize the benefit of the leadership of the clergy in the pro-life movement and often yearn for more of it.  For more information on Priests for Life, please use this link.

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