
Sunday, April 9, 2017

Ivanka Trump Secretly Met with Planned Parenthood Boss

By Lisa Bourne
Life Site News

Ivanka Trump initiated a meeting with Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards after her father was inaugurated as U.S. president, a new report revealed. The first daughter and Cecile Richards met to talk about the nation’s largest abortion chain at Ivanka Trump’s request, in what Politico called an “under-the-radar meeting.”

A representative from the abortion giant said Ivanka Trump wanted “to know more about the facts of Planned Parenthood,” according to the political news outlet. Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) Executive Vice President Dawn Laguens called it “an explainer meeting.”

Laguens said Richards’ goal in sitting down with Trump was to lobby against defunding the abortion business and present Planned Parenthood’s argument that its taxpayer subsidies do not fund abortion.

“The purpose of the meeting, from Cecile’s point of view, was to make sure that Ivanka fully understood what Planned Parenthood does, how it is funded, and why it would be a terrible idea for Planned Parenthood to be removed from being able to see Medicaid patients,” said Laguens. 

“The main thing that Cecile Richards was doing was explaining that the money doesn’t actually go to abortions — we get reimbursed the same way a hospital does. We were clearing up misinformation about how this works.”

Planned Parenthood contends that the roughly half-billion taxpayer dollars it takes in annually doesn’t support abortion. But the abortion business does not address the fact that the funds are fungible. The federal subsidies free up the abortion provider’s funds and enable it to pay its abortion centers’ overhead, direct its donations to marketing, and perform abortion political advocacy.

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