
Friday, April 14, 2017

Nevada Assisted Suicide Hearing Abruptly Cancelled, Opponents Hold Press Conference

Brian Callister, MD

By Nevada Right to Life
National Right to Life

Editor’s note. This Action Alert was provided by Nevada Right to Life, NRLC’s state affiliate.

The scheduled hearing on SB261 was abruptly cancelled yesterday in the wake of strong opposition to the bill that has been pouring in. As the AP notes today, “Opponents Amass.” The Las Vegas Review-Journal added, “Foes of Nevada right-to-die bill turn out in force for protest.” The bill was given a special exemption from having to be voted out of committee by tomorrow.

Why was the hearing cancelled and the bill given an exemption? The bill is in trouble. One giant reason is that opponents like you, not only “amassed” or “turned out in force” but also because of the calls and emails you sent and by registering your opinion at the legislative website. (See below.)

But that’s not all that happened yesterday. The coalition Nevadans Against Doctor Prescribed Suicide held a press conference. Nevadans Against Doctor Prescribed Suicide is a broad alliance of disability rights, healthcare, civil rights, faith-based, and patient advocacy organizations dedicated to preventing legalization of assisted suicide in Nevada.

The Nevadan’s Against Doctor Prescribed Suicide’s press conference was impressive and had powerful witnesses including Brian Callister MD, Peter Fenwick MD, Kurt Bronander MD, Stephanie Packer (a young mother of four with a terminal lung illness undergoing chemotherapy), disability advocates Deidre Hammon and Brianna Hammon, Nevada state Sen. Dr. Joe Hardy, and Washington attorney Margaret Dore.

National Right to Life report continues

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