
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Pro-Lifers Win Kansas 4th Congressional District, First of Special Elections

Pro-life Kansas state Treasurer Ron Estes (R) with Karen Cross,
National Right to Life Political Director. National Right to Life
endorsed Ron Estes in the Kansas 4 special election.
By Karen Cross
National Right to Life

In a genuine pro-life/pro-abortion contest, state Treasurer Ron Estes (R), who was endorsed by National Right to Life and Kansans for Life, defeated attorney Jim Thompson (D) in the April 11 special general election in Kansas’ 4th congressional district. Estes, who prevailed by a vote of 53% to 46%, replaces former Rep. Mike Pompeo, who became the new CIA director.

The Kansas special election was the first since pro-life Donald Trump was elected President and asked several congressmen to assume Cabinet positions. Still to come are special elections in Georgia 6, Montana at-large, and South Carolina 5.

The National Right to Life Victory Fund phoned nearly 20,000 pro-life voters in the district with information about the differences between pro-life Treasurer Ron Estes and pro-abortion attorney Jim Thompson and to encourage them to vote pro-life. Sharable graphics and articles were posted in social media as well.

The positions between the candidates couldn’t have been more stark. Thompson supports abortion on demand, while Estes is pro-life and opposes using tax dollars to pay for abortion.
“Ron reflects genuine Kansas values,” Kansans for Life Executive Director Mary Kay Culp said. “It was not widely known until very late how extreme Mr. Thompson was in his abortion position and when it did become known, he tried to pretend he held different views from those he had clearly stated.”
Thompson was supported by several pro-abortion groups, including the local Planned Parenthood, affiliated with the nation’s largest abortion provider.

Here is a thumbnail sketch of the other three special elections.

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