
Sunday, April 2, 2017

Seven-Week Prayer Campaign Ends With Review of the Seven Souls Remembered in Our Daily Prayers

'winning the war against unborn babies and their mothers one soul at a time'

         Cecile Richards
Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, was the focus of our first prayer initiative. She has served in this position since 2006. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the United States.

In an appearance on MSNBC, Cecile Richards claimed that somehow defunding the abortion company would hurt women’s health care even though Planned Parenthood has been exposed in recent videos as not providing prenatal care and only providing ultrasounds in preparation for abortions.

We have no greater enemy that fuels the abortion industry than satan. We who stand for life are in a spiritual battle. Prayer is a powerful weapon and can tear down walls and strongholds.

When those caught up in abortion, turn from their sin and give their lives to Christ, the war against the unborn will start to crumble, one soul at a time. Voices has posted many stories of the redemption of those who walked away from abortion.

"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." Matthew 5:44

LeRoy Carhart
Late term abortionist, LeRoy Carhart was the focus of our prayers for Week Two. He has been responsible for the death of one woman and involved in 15 botched abortions. He has bragged about performing some 20,000 abortions over 24 weeks.  Live Action News reports the facts about his infamous career. 

Despite Carhart’s history of law-breaking, practices that endanger women, and routine killing of viable children, he is lionized by the pro-abortion community.
Unless LeRoy Carhart repents and turns away from the grievous sin of killing unborn babies, he is on a path to eternal hell.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17

        Gov. Tom Wolf
Gov. Tom Wolf was the focus of our prayers for Week Three.  He is in desperate need of our prayers for salvation. He is rabidly pro-abortion. Tom Wolf was endorsed by Planned Parenthood when he ran for Governor in 2014. He also served as a volunteer escort at Planned Parenthood facilities in Pennsylvania. Currently, he is threatening to veto PA SB3 'Dismemberment Abortion Ban'.

We pray that Governor Wolf will be convicted of the grievous sin of supporting abortion as governor. We continue to pray that his conversion will lead him to speak out against abortion and become a strong advocate for mothers and their unborn babies.

“The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.” Thomas Jefferson

Prof. Peter Singer
Peter Singer was the focus of our prayers for Week Four.  He is a bio-ethics professor at Princeton, NJ and is know for his support of abortion, infanticide and legalized euthanasia. Christian Research Institute wrote an in-depth article on Prof. Singer. One can see from his godless views that he is truly a lost soul in need of prayer. 

Let us pray today that Jesus' love would flood Professor Singer's soul and bring him out of darkness and into God's Glorious Light. We also pray that his conversion will lead him to publicly renounce his godless beliefs and write, teach and promote the sacredness of human life.

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."        James 4:7

Steven Brigham
Steven Brigham was the focus of our prayers for Week Five.  He has performed 40,000 abortions over a 20-year period. He's been arrested many times on various charges, including insurance fraud and tax evasion. 

His medical license has been revoked in several states for his unsafe practices in performing abortions. Steven Brigham's notorious 'career' as an abortionist can be read here. 

He is a lost soul and unrepentant in his callousness in killing unborn children and wounding their mothers, some who have suffered botched abortions.  If he does not turn from his practice of aborting babies, his eternal fate will be sealed. Please join Voices for the Unborn in praying for his salvation.

"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name." John 1:12 NIV

Douglas Karpen
Douglas Karpen was the focus of our prayers for Week Six. He's been called the "Texas Gosnell". Karpen has engaged in the same practices as his Pennsylvania namesake.  Some of these include performing illegal late-term abortions and killing babies who survived abortion.

Karpen was investigated by a grand jury in 2013 for these and other violations such as lying about fetal age to charge more for abortions, fraudulent billing practices, failing to adhere to medical standards and sexual harassment. A grand jury failed to convict him. Due to a lack of hospital admitting privileges, he can no longer practice in Texas. In addition, he is being sued for malpractice.

It's difficult to pray for those who have made a career of killing unborn babies. There's no greater evil than one who has murdered thousands of innocent lives and wounded their mothers. But Jesus tells us to pray for and love our enemies. His grace and mercy are needed to obey His command. May those we pray for fall to their knees in deep repentance and sorrow at the foot of the Cross.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 NIV

Lisa Pierriera
Lisa Pierriera was the focus of our prayers for Week Seven. She is an abortionist who has chosen to use her free will to kill unborn babies, wound their mothers and even cause a young woman to die from a botched abortion. ''

She is currently performing abortions at the Philadelphia Women's Center. Recently, she spoke out against a Pennsylvania Senate bill that prohibits abortion after 20 weeks. Read Life News report on her advocacy for late term abortions.

As we pray for Lisa Pierriera to repent of the sin of aborting unborn babies, let's also remember God's great love, mercy and forgiveness toward us.

When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:25-26

Who will pray for the souls that are lost, if not the children of God, then who?

Voices for Life would like to thank all who participated in praying daily for those who commit, promote or support abortion.  

1 comment:

  1. This concludes our First Annual Prayer Campaign. We will begin our Prayer Campaign again during the 2018 Lenten Season.

    Please pray with us this week for those for whom we have prayed over the last 7 weeks. I suggest you start with prayer for Cecile Richards today and each day pray for another listed on this post.

    Lord, as we complete our prayer campaign this week, we ask that you touch the hearts of all those for whom we’ve prayed. Open their eyes to the horror of abortion and give them the gift of true sorrow for the sin of abortion of so many of your precious little ones.
