
Saturday, April 15, 2017

Take Action Sunday Coming in May in Support of Life

By Lou Baldwin

Catholics in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are urged to take part on the weekend of May 20-21 in a nationwide program called Take Action Sunday, in which parishioners are asked to contact their members of Congress to support the Conscience Protection Act.

The bill would codify into permanent law protection for health care providers who do not wish to have abortion coverage in their health plans.

“Passage of the Conscience Protection Act (CPA) continues to be a top legislative priority for the USCCB Committee for Pro-Life Activities and a call to action has been issued,” Archbishop Chaput wrote in a recent letter to parishes.

The provisions of the CPA mirror what has since the 1990s been known as the Weldon Amendment, an provision tacked on to annual appropriation bills and named for Florida Rep. Dave Weldon, who first introduced it.

By passing the CPA it would be no longer necessary to add the amendment to the appropriations bills each year.

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