
Sunday, April 30, 2017

Thank You to Those Who Came Out to Protest PP in Center City Philly on April 29th

from Ted Meehan
Pro-Life Delco

Thanks to all who braved the maze of closed streets, and traffic generated by the NFL Draft and Penn Relays to come to 12th & Locust to Protest Planned Parenthood, and call for their Defunding. About 25 heroes made it in to the Gates of Hell, and each one was a blessing.

A few months ago, Planned Parenthood's CEO Cecile Reochsrds testified before Congress. And she admitted that PP does no mammograms! She also tried to defend the claim that abortion makes up only 3% of PP's business. She did have to admit that 86% of nongovernment income was from abortions. But wanted to count each patient contact to justify the 3% figure. This would be like McDonalds - claiming hamburgers to be 3% of its business by counting each French fry as a separate product.

Since PP receives $550 million from American Taxpayers, Richards was asked about an item on their Financial Report which was titled "Surplus Revenue". It listed $160 million.

She said half of that is invested - primarily in NY Real Estate - WHICH IS NOT WOMEN'S HEALTHCARE! The other half goes to their "nonpartisan" political PAC. Asked how many Republicans received financial support from this "nonpartisan" PAC, she indicated that ZERO Republicans had received support over the previous 5 years. And, once again, THIS IS NOT WOMEN'S HEALTHCARE!

What goes on at Planned Parenthood besides aborting babies? A series of videos had been released a year ago which showed Executives from Planned Parenthood negotiating prices for the sale of body parts taken from the aborted babies - which happens to be illegal! The pro-abortion media ignores this story and parrots the PP talking point that the videos "have been edited". The evil continues.

In 2014, the 12th & Locust Planned Parenthood was cited for failing to report sexual abuse of underage girls, as required by law. Six files were checked at random - including four 13 year olds, and two 14 year olds. Zero reports had been sent to either Law Enforcement or Child Protective Services. No subsequent inspection by DOH has revisited the level of compliance. Since 2014, several requests have been made to see the reports, but none have been produced! Is there something to hide?

On April 21, the Chairman of the House Health Committee sent a demand to Secretary Karen Murphy to produce a full report on compliance. The letter was co-signed by 47 additional Reps, including the Speaker, the Secretary of the GOP Caucus, the Whip, the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, and Pro-Life Caucus Chair. A number of legislators involved in combatting human trafficking also signed on.

These little girls are often victims of rape or incest. Abortions destroy evidence against their attackers. Sometimes they are being exploited by dysfunctional drug addicted caretakers selling them to buy drugs. Some are trapped in sex trafficking rings. Without reporting, these little girls remain trapped in a nightmare - with no protection and no hope!

Stop sending our money to this criminal enterprise. Defund Planned Parenthood!

Below are additional pictures from the April 29th Prayer rally.


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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call or text 610-626-4006  

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