
Thursday, April 6, 2017

U.S. Government Ends Funding for U.N. Entity Complicit with China’s Two-Child Policy

By Jonathan Abbomonte
Population Research Institute

The U.S. will cease funding the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)—the notorious U.N. agency that has been the chief international cheerleader for, and financial supporter of, China’s repressive “Planned Birth” policies from their beginning.

U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker received a letter from the State Department on Monday stating that it had been determined that UNFPA was supporting the management of a family planning program involved with coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization and that, per a provision in U.S. law known as the Kemp-Kasten Amendment, it was therefore ineligible for federal funding. [...]

“Defunding UNFPA is a great victory for the women of China and everyone who respects the inherent dignity of each and every human life,” says Population Research Institute President Steven W. Mosher, the first American eyewitness of the widespread practice of forced abortion and forced sterilization under the one-child policy.

On the ground investigations directed by Mosher exposed numerous human right abuses under the one-child policy and provided the impetus for the Reagan, Bush 41, and Bush 43 Administrations to cut U.S. funding to UNFPA. Under Bush 43, for instance, PRI reports led the U.S. State Department to conduct its own investigation which confirmed PRI’s findings, namely, that the One-Child Policy was just as rigorously enforced in Chinese counties where the UNFPA was in charge as elsewhere in China.

“The UNFPA was not a force for moderation in China, but was aiding and abetting the Chinese government’s enforcement of the policy,” says Mosher.

Read more here

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