
Saturday, April 29, 2017

US University Sells Morning-After Pill in Vending Machine

Society for the Protection Unborn Children

Students at UC Davies University in California can now purchase the morning-after pill from a vending machine on campus.

The "Wellness to Go" machine sells the emergency contraceptive (known as Plan B in the States) as well as condoms, sanitary products and painkillers.

"I believe most of the college students are sexually active on college campus, which means we should have more resources and more talk on these issues, decreasing the stigma," said senior Parteek Singh, 21, who spearheaded the move to install the vending machine.
In America, 'emergency contraception' became available to women of all ages without a prescription in 2013.

Kristan Hawkins, head of Students for Life of America, opposed the move, saying:
 "Colleges and universities should be offering pregnant and parenting students options of housing, financial aid, diaper decks, and childcare instead of handing over abortion drugs."
What is Plan B?

The drug used in Plan B, Levonorgestrel, is a progestin, and it is not known exactly how it works. There is debate on whether 'emergency contraceptives' are abortifacient, and if so, how often, but information on the drug says that it may alter the lining of the uterus to prevent implantation should fertilization occur.

SPUC article continues

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National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
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