
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Watch Pro-Abortionists Beat A Piñata Of A Pro-Life Senator’s Face

By Bre Payton
The Federalist

Samantha Pinto, a 25-year-old abortion worker in Philadelphia, invited her friends over last weekend to celebrate her birthday by beating a piñata with Sen. Pat Toomey’s face on it.

“We thought it would be a fun thing for the party since Pat Toomey opposes abortion,” Pinto said in an interview with Billy Penn, a local online news hub.

Pinto said she sent letters to the pro-life senator’s office urging him to support abortion, but was irritated by the response she received.

Note:  The most loving thing we can do for those who commit, provide or promote abortion is to pray for them. Hopefully, through our continued prayers Ms. Pinto and her colleagues will be converted, #onesoulatatime.

Heavenly Father, we come to you today with heavy hearts. We mourn for the souls of those who commit, provide and support abortion in our country and our world.  Please let them see the horror of abortion; repent of their sins; and use the skills You gave them to heal instead of kill.  We ask this through Your son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour.  Amen. 

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