
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Will Trump End the Obamacare Mandate Forcing Little Sisters of the Poor to Fund Abortions?

Pro-life advocates have complained that big corporations were protected from the mandate, but Catholic nuns were not.  

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Will President Donald Trump end the Obamacare mandate that forced the Little Sisters of the Poor and other religious organizations to fund abortions?

A legal filing the Trump Administration made with a federal appeals court doesn’t bring pro-life advocates any closer to the answer. Although pro-life voters supported Trump with the hopes that he would strike the mandate and protect the religious rights of pro-life advocates, the question is still up in the air.

According to the legal filing, the Trump Administration has asked for 60 more days to consider whether to end the lawsuit the Obama Administration is participating in to force the pro-life advocates to pay for abortion causing drugs or to continue it.

The Washington Post has more today on this a non decision:

The Justice Department has asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit for an additional 60 days to negotiate with East Texas Baptist University and several other religious groups objecting to a requirement to which they are morally opposed.

The request doesn’t necessarily mean Justice plans to continue defending the mandate — the agency could just be buying extra time as the new administration figures out its next move. A DOJ spokeswoman said Tuesday she had no comment on the request to the fifth circuit.

Life News article continues 

Blogger's Note: Prayer is a powerful weapon in this war between light and darkness.  Please pray that the Obamacare mandate will be reversed for all religious groups.

"The prayers of a righteous person is powerful and effective." James 5:16 
Jesus is our righteousness.

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