
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Actor James Woods Slams Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards for Celebrating Abortion on Mother’s Day

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Unlike many Hollywood celebrities, actor James Woods boldly speaks out for the rights of babies in the womb.

Known for his roles in “Casino” and “Once Upon A Time in America” and voices in “Family Guy” and Disney’s “Hercules,” Woods has criticized the abortion chain Planned Parenthood on social media several times.

On Mother’s Day, he did it again, according to The Christian Post.

His post was a reaction to Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards who urged children to love their mothers by advocating for abortions.

“Nothing says ‘I love you, Mom!’ like standing up for the right of mothers everywhere to get the care they need,” Richards tweeted on Mother’s Day.

Nothing says "I love you, Mom!" like standing up for the right of mothers everywhere to get the care they need. 

By “care,” Richards meant abortions. Last week, she described abortion as “fundamental” to women’s health care.

Woods realized this and responded by describing the horror of what Richards’ was really saying.

“Hard to say ‘I love you, Mom’ from a medical waste dumpster… #DefundPP,” he tweeted in response.

Every year, Planned Parenthood violently aborts approximately 300,000 unborn babies, more than any other group in the United States. And it makes millions of dollars destroying their lives.

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